Portfolio Tracker (US, UK, RSA)
Etienne Marais
Enter your stock transactions: buy, sell, dividends, splits, and track your costs, average cost, current value, unrealised profits and gains, all converted to Rand. View your holding in Rand, $US or GBP.
Build and analyse your watchlist including fundamentals, charts and price history. This tracker shows your worth and helps you plan your next buy.
I will send videos and instructions on how to use it, how the formulas work, as well as updates / changes.
In addition, you can email me with suggestions or errors.
Portfolio tracker, instructional emails and videos, free updates.
Portfolio Page
Calculation: ave cost, etc.
Watchlists: US, UK, JSE
Historical data
What if scenario calculations
Live data: equity and crypto
Automatic conversion to Rand
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30-day money back guarantee